spray can be purchased or made from many different products.Most people experiment with several different ones before deciding on
what to use.Distilled or rainwater is also very effective.With
my show dogs I am currently using several products:Avacado Mist by Eqyss, Mink oil, Cowboy Magic detangler & shine, and
Show Sheen.All these
have their place but you must be careful not to let any product build up in the
coat.Bathing is necessary and can
be done once or twice a month.It is
important to teach your Pekingese to lie comfortably on its side, as this is the
only way it can be adequately groomed.
Make sure you have all the necessary tools before beginning.
the dog down in order to work on the right sideThis also gives you access to the legs and stomach areas, which I do
first.Spray lightly and dust
with the powder. This helps clean
the coat and the brush will go through easier.Take hold of the front leg with all thehair pulled up towards the toes.Use
your preferred brush and gently brush the hair out from under your hand toward
the belly.Next do the belly by
brushing all hair forward.The
inside of the hind leg can then be groomed.Be sure to brush all the way down to the skin.Normal matting can usually be broken loose with your fingers or a slicker
brush.For extreme mats use the rake
or matbreaker. Sprayingthe belly and legs with Show Sheen will help to keep this area clean.The pants, or rear fringing should be done next.Start by pulling all the hair upwards with your free hand, and then brush
the hair downward towards the table a section at a time.
you need to do the ears.Don’t
forget to spray and powder.Lay
the fringes over the body coat first and brush the underside.Fold it back forward and brush the topside.Behind the ear is a great place for mats to hide, so pull the ear fringeforward and again brush backwards by layering the hair.As tangles are discovered work them out with the rake, then the slicker,
then your brush.After the ear is
done you can pull the front bib hair up and brush it down towards the table to
make sure there are no mats hiding there. Now, bring the entire side body coat
back towards the rear of the dog and be ready to start grooming it all forward
again.Hold your free hand on
top of the coat and line brush by pulling small amounts of the coat out from
under your hand.Continue until you
are all the way back to the pants.
turn the dog over by taking hold of the front legs and rolling it over on its
back.That way it cannot get a foot
on the table and make its own decisions!Do this side exactly the same as you did the first side.Practice makes perfect!
the dog back on his feet and facing away from you (I teach them to lie down flat
at this point) you are ready to do the topside.Stroke all hair back from front to tail after spraying and using a little
powder.Lay your free hand on top of
the coat and again layer the coat by letting the brush pull a little at a time
out from under your hand.Go all the
way to the tail and maybe just a little ways up the tail.Next spray and brush the tail down towards the table.When the underside is free of tangles, place the tail up over the back
and do the topside.At this
point, gather up the skirts with one hand and brush it down one layer at a time.Make sure you brush carefully around the anus and remove any dirt and
the dog so that it is now facing you on the table and go through the ears again
to make sure you have all mats removed.Then,
with your free hand pull up the front bib and line brush it all the way down.To finish the coat, the mane should be brushed up and out on the sides
with ear fringes forward.The hair
on the top of the head and the topcoat should be brushed relatively flat, hair
on the hips and tail brushed down, and the tail hair brushed up and fanned out
over the back.Daily brushing
is not a must unless the dog is being shown but all Pekingese need at least a
weekly grooming.Trimming is
only done on the pads of the feet.The
hair should be cut off so the pads can touch the floor.Toe fringing should be left on but never so long as to impede the
movement of the dog.If you
have a companion pet, don’t be afraid to do a little trimming in order to keep
the coat cleaner.It is only for
show that no trimming is done.
the coat finished, it is time to clean the face, eyes and ears.Take a damp cloth and wipe the face to remove all powder, excess moisture
around the eyes, and any dirt that has accumulated under the eyes and around the
wrinkle.Dry this area with a
Kleenex and check for any redness or sign of infection.Ask your Veterinarian for Panalog crème to use in the wrinkle as needed.It is non oily and will usually clear up any infection within a few days.If necessary, wipe the eyes out with a cotton ball or by rolling a Q-tip
lightly just inside the eyelid.Brush
the hair on the wrinkle downward and away from the eyes.
should be kept trimmed at least every two or three weeks depending on the type
of surface the dog lives on.Rough
cement will keep the nails worn down; carpeting and grass do not wear them at
all.Ears should be checked
every time you groom.Put a few
drops of any good ear cleaner in the ear, rub it in and clean it out with a
Q-tip.Thereshould be no discoloration on it.After
cleaning, put a pinch of Boric Acid Powder in the ear and work it down into the
ear by rubbing it with your fingers.This
will help keep them clean and free of mites and fungus.
aware of your dog scratching, as this could be the first sign of something
wrong.Check him for fleas and if
you have a problem with them, talk to your veterinarian as they now have
excellent treatments available that will keep him flea free.Never use flea collars as they can cause skin, liver, and other disorders
in some dogs.They also wreck havoc
with the dog’s coat!If free of
fleas but still scratching, check for dry flaky scales on the skin.There are several good skin oil nutrients on the market that you can use
to help support healthy skin.Also,
have your veterinarian check for ear mites and if found, treat as directed.